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                                                                        Reiki ( Ray key)




                                                                                                    Reiki $70    60- minute session

                                                                                                    Reiki $95   90-minute session

                                                                                                    Crystal Stone Reiki $85   60-minute session                                                                                                                                                                            


Reiki is a non-evasive treatment that brings the body back into a state of calm and stability again. We experience many facets of stress that can leave the body, mind connection unbalanced. Reiki helps to restore a calm and grounded experience for all, no matter what age or gender.

While laying on a warm table and covered with a light blanket, you will be offered a warm eye-pillow to help you relax further. No undressing is necessary, just removing your shoes will be required.

The practitioner provides a gentle hands-on technique over the clients Chakras

(life force energy systems which all living beings have) and the client will begin to feel the energy within them flowing. 

You may experience one of many things, such as a feeling of lightness, warmth, a feeling of floating, calm, a tingling sensation throughout the body just to name a few.

Once the session is completed, your mind will feel calmer, and your insights are heightened allowing you to have better focus and control over your emotions.

Clients report back that they slept better and felt calmer and more in control of their situations as well as more grounded.

Anyone can receive Reiki and there are no side effects ever.

Reiki is not a religion and regardless of your religious beliefs, Reiki can benefit everyone. 

60- and 90-minute sessions are offered.

Wanting to deepen your relaxation of letting go, choose the Crystal Stone Reiki that offer the benefits of the practitioner placing a crystal grid that can help to amplify your healing. A grid designed specifically for you will be places around and on you and can help transform your session to a state of bliss.

If you wish to learn how to become a practitioner, please contact me for more info via email. Write to and include our name, phone number and email address. In the subject line write: Reiki Classes 

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